October 29th Updates

Mike Perham
2 min readOct 29, 2020

Today is October 29th, 2020. Election day is 5 days away and the elected president will take office in 83 days.

At the request of the Vermont Secretary of State, Associate SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh corrected parts of his opinion limiting absentee vote counting in Wisconsin, wherein he erroneously used the argument that Vermont had not changed any voting practices, when in fact they had, quite prominently. Other critical swing states NC and PA continue plan to accept ballots after election day if they are postmarked by November 3rd, although they plan to segregate late-arriving ballots in case the right wing in SCOTUS decides to interfere in state election laws as Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch indicating they would as it is their noble right to ignore precedent and law at will in the recent opinion, expected to be joined by extremist Barrett, with wild cards, the simple-minded Kavanaugh and voting rights enemy Roberts potentially changing their position at any time.

Biden remains strongly favored to win the election, with a nearly 9/10 probability, excepting the thumb-on-the-scale efforts of SCOTUS, count suppression by various state legislatures, and voting intimidation by the president’s supporters. In Georgia, both Senate races have heated up with the Democrats in each nearing the 50% threshold, which would avoid runoffs. Florida continues to Florida as the race tightens there and registered Republicans catch up to early vote tallies by registered Democrats, leaving it to turnout of non-white voters in Miami-Dade county, where election officials have historically been unable to find their own zippers and usually wet themselves before throwing 10% of the Democratic vote in the garbage or to the opposite party.

Texas grows as an enigma as the historically deep-red state shows massive early turnout by new and young voters and moves into the toss-up column, a potentially generational political earthquake in a state with 38 electoral votes. Neither candidate has, however, broken the 50% threshold in polls, leaving much uncertainty.

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